Who’s this Coaching or Online Courses Bundle for?

Our Coaching or Online Courses Bundle can be used by New Zealand based coaches, online course providers, or businesses who provide both coaching and courses. So, whether you provide e-learning modules, you have a membership for group business coaching, or you provide one-on-one life coaching – these terms are designed for your business! The answers you provide in the Q&A will tailor the terms to your specific requirements.

The documents in the bundle are designed to be posted on your website, portal, app or otherwise provided directly to your clients. The Terms will apply to all your clients (but some of the specifics, such as price, will be as displayed on your website/portal or agreed directly with each client) before they complete their purchase. 

What’s in the Coaching or Online Courses Bundle?

This bundle contains four vital documents to set yourself up for success as a coaching or digital course creation business owner:

  • Terms and Conditions – these terms protect your valuable IP rights in your content, set out what you will be providing, your pricing model (membership vs one-off payment), content format, payment terms, when the client can cancel or reschedule, and what guarantees you provide. They also clearly state what you are not responsible for, such as implementation of your advice, and include other appropriate disclaimers to limit your liability.
  • Website Terms of Use – lets users know what they can and can’t do on your website (eg, can’t copy the website’s content), what you’re allowed to do (eg, change the website at any time) and what you’re not responsible for (eg, reviews written by other people).
  • GDPR-compliant Privacy Policy - to comply with NZ privacy law, businesses must tell customers how they collect their personal information (ie, names, phone numbers, email addresses) and what they use it for. A privacy policy makes it easy for customers to find this information and helps build customer trust, leading to increased sales! This privacy policy also includes an option to include additional information to comply with the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If your business has a presence in the EU, provides or offers goods and services to EU customers, or tracks users and behaviours in the EU, you need to have a GDPR Privacy Policy on your website. If you are required to comply with the GDPR, non-compliance can result in significant fines.
  • Copyright Notice – to be copied and pasted onto all course or coaching materials.

As well as:

  • Coaching and Online Courses Business Start-up Checklist - all the essentials to check off when starting your own coaching and/or online courses business, from business structure choice to GST registration, securing your business name, and protecting your IP in your content.
  • Guide to Consumer Law in New Zealand - this summary of the critical pieces of NZ consumer law (Consumer Guarantees Act, Fair Trading Act, Privacy Act and Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act) tells you when you’re required to provide a refund, what you can say when you advertise and other compliance essentials.
  • Guide to Intellectual Property in New Zealand - understanding intellectual property, what it is, how it’s created, how it can be protected, and how to avoid infringing others’ IP rights is absolutely crucial for coaches and course creators! This guide explains the different types of IP and the benefits and processes for protection.
  • Checklist for Negotiating with Your Suppliers - when you buy products and equipment from a supplier, they’ll probably require you to sign their legal agreement or terms of trade. Our checklist tells you what to look for to ensure you get the best deal and protect your business.

Why do I need the Coaching or Online Courses Bundle?

Having clear terms with your clients allows you to protect your revenue (by agreeing on what refund and cancellation options are available), protect your intellectual property in your content, limit your liability, set expectations with your clients, and look professional. By making your clients aware of these matters up front, you’ll reduce the potential for misunderstandings or disputes, encouraging your clients to return and to recommend your business to others.

Website T&Cs reduce your exposure to risk and liability if your website doesn’t work as it’s meant to or if someone is doing something they shouldn’t be and a Privacy Policy helps you to comply with the law and give your customers’ trust. Purchase this bundle to gain knowledge, protection and increased sales due to greater customer confidence!  

How long will it take to create my documents?

Around 10 -15 minutes – do it over a coffee! During the Q&A you can save your progress to come back later, or repeat the Q&A to change an answer or produce a new version of a document.

What information do I need to complete the Q&A?

  • For coaching providers – the format of any sessions (eg, one-on-one, group, online or in-person)
  • Payment terms – invoicing, payment timing, subscription terms (if applicable) and accepted payment methods
  • Whether you’ll be providing coaching or content to business customers only or also to consumers eg. life coaching
  • Refund policy
  • Cancellation and rescheduling notice periods for coaching sessions
  • How a client can unsubscribe from receiving emails or texts from you
  • Whether you use cookies (see our blog: Am I using cookies? for more information)

What if I need help?

On Your Terms has teamed up with Luminate Legal to offer its customers the option of obtaining legal advice from a lawyer to provide extra assurance and peace of mind. If you would like to ask a lawyer some quick questions about your documents (or your responses to the Q&A), or have your document reviewed/edited by a lawyer, click here to view and select Luminate Legal's packages and fixed-fee pricing exclusively for On Your Terms customers. Alternatively, you can ask your own lawyer to review your documents.

What do I do once my documents are created?

Your documents are ready to go as soon as you download them. You can edit and brand as you wish. Your Terms and Conditions need to be made available to, and accepted by, your clients, before you start to provide any coaching services or content to them and before you take any payment. Either upload your Terms and Conditions to your website, portal or app (with a “click here to accept our Terms and Conditions”) before taking payment or provide them directly to each client before they book with you. You should also display a copy of your Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy on your website.   

Other helpful information:

If you’re unsure whether this Coaching and Online Courses Bundle is what you need, reach out to us at hello@onyourterms.co.nz – we’re happy to help!

If you’re not satisfied with your purchase of this product for any reason, let us know why within 10 days of your purchase and we’ll work with you to make sure you’re happy, including giving you a full refund if necessary. 

Disclaimer: On Your Terms was created to provide simplified, fast and affordable access to legal information and documentation. We are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice. The information and documents we provide are of a general nature, designed for common situations, and may not be suitable for your needs or circumstances. If you need legal advice, we have a network of law firm partners able to help you here.

Coaching or Online Course Essentials Bundle
NZ $395.00